Centiloc's patent protection
At Centiloc, we have 8 patents, which is a real strength but also an element of reassurance. Our technology is therefore designed on a solid basis and provides certainty of operation.

What is patent protection ?
A patent protects a technical invention.
It cannot protect a mere idea or intended result. When a technical problem is raised and a product or process is developed to address the problem in a new way, a patent can be filed.
Filing a patent prohibits any exploitation of the technical invention without the autorisation of the patent applicant. The monoply of exploitation of the invention can be up to 20 years in France.
Centiloc's patent protection
As Centiloc proposes a completely new way of proceeding with geolocation and automated inventory systems using NFC technology, several patents have been filed on order to protect their work. In total, Centiloc has 8 patents on NFC to exploit its technical invention. This is very important because it ensures that no one else is using, or will use in the near future, our unique technological process. The protection afforded by these patents also makes it possible to prove the actual functionality of our invention and the seriousness of the processus used. In order to file a patent, it is necessary to meet at least 3 conditions :
– An invention
– A result of an inventive activity
– Susceptible of industrial application
Centiloc was keen to develop its project after several years of successful research and development. In order to better understand the patent application, Centiloc called on a firm of experts specialising in the protection of industrial property. This approach proves the seriousness but also the desire to succeed and to develop a really useful product from the beginning of the Centiloc adventure.